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Come Follow Me
Book cover of The Parables of Jesus: Revealing the Plan of Salvation
Some of the Savior’s most memorable teachings, as recorded in the gospels, were given as parables. These simple stories were effective teaching tools because of how they made gospel principles relatable to first century Galilean farmers, and they remain beloved today, nearly 2000 years later, precisely because stories like the Prodigal Son or the Good Samaritan continue to resonate with the lived...
The Prodigal Son by Jorge Cocco
One of the most powerful and memorable parables of the Savior is that of the Prodigal Son. This beautiful parable teaches of the remarkable love our Heavenly Father has for each of us, and of the compassion and forgiveness awaiting all who return unto Him through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. As Jesus sat teaching His disciples, we are told that several tax collectors and sinners gathered...
The Good Samaritan by James Tissot
One of the most influential stories told by Jesus is the parable of the Good Samaritan. As a result of this scripture, people all over the world speak of being a Good Samaritan, of doing good for people who are in need. But as important as the parable’s ethical content obviously is, Jesus’ story may have more significance than most people ever imagine. An ancient but now almost forgotten...
Jesus Christ as the Passover Lamb
The events of the last week of the life of the Savior, Jesus Christ are the most significant in all of history. These eight days, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday change everything. They give us hope. They show us that sin and death will never prevail. These eight days begin with Jesus coming to the beautiful city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festivals. As we better understand...
Book of Mormon Central video on Easter and the Resurrection
With Easter fast approaching, Latter-day Saints and Christians all over the world are turning their hearts and minds to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Learn about how the Book of Mormon infinitely adds to our understanding of the Atonement and Resurrection. This video beautifully illustrates the Savior's infinite and eternal sacrifice through 16 scriptures in the Book of Mormon that enhance our...
Tyler Perry sings I Stand All Amazed in a new BMC music video
Just as Christmas music can bring a sense of festivity and joy for the season, beautiful Easter music can likewise invoke a special spirit for the Easter season. In its first ever music video, Book of Mormon Central presents "I Stand All Amazed." "I Stand All Amazed" was composed by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel in 1905, and over a hundred years later is still a beloved hymn to the infinite love of...
Image via Adobe Stock.
Easter is the most important holiday of the year. While Christmas often gets a lot of focus, Christmas is only the beginning of the story of Jesus Christ. The final week of Jesus Christ's life, often referred to as “Holy Week,” is the pinnacle of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the climax of the entire Plan of Salvation. Easter is the perfect time of year for Latter-day Saints and Christians all...
Jesus miraculously feeds the 5000. Image via
During His mortal and post-mortal ministries, Jesus fed large multitudes on several occasions. Understanding these miraculous stories can increase our appreciation of Christ’s Atonement and His power to provide physical and spiritual nourishment each day of our lives. After hearing the tragic news of the death of John the Baptist, Jesus went into a mountain to be alone ( Matthew 14:12–13 ). The...
Parable of the Sower. Image of seedling by Pexels via Pixabay.
One of the notable aspects of Jesus’ ministry is that He frequently taught using parables, or short religiously instructive stories “that make use of characters, situations, and customs familiar to their audience.” 1 In fact, Jesus used nearly 50 parables and other metaphors during his ministry as recorded in the New Testament Gospels. John W. Welch and Greg Welch, " Parables and Metaphors of...
Image by skeeze via Pixabay.
Jesus famously promised “rest” to all those “that labour and are heavy laden.” He directed them to “[t]ake my yoke upon you,” assuring them that “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” ( Matthew 11:28–30 ). What did Jesus mean when he said that His “yoke” is easy? How does turning to Him make our own burdens light? As many readers are probably aware, a yoke is a type of harness, usually with a...