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John W. Welch and Helaman 6
As the study and appreciation of chiasmus continues to expand and move forward, one of the very best examples deserves a more detailed analysis. First discovered in 1987 and published as a FARMS Update that year, this composition is remarkable in several ways. This text, which is the complete report and only information given about the 64 th year of the reign of the judges, is exceptional in many...
Cover of Don Parry's Preserved in Translation
President Russell M. Nelson has said, “Because the Book of Mormon is a translation of a modified Hebrew language, it contains many Hebraisms.” 1 A new book by Dr. Donald W. Parry, Preserved in Translation: Hebrew and Other Ancient Literary Forms in the Book of Mormon (Deseret Book and BYU Religious Studies Center) provides numerous examples that support this claim. For more than 25...
Image via Messages of Christ.
In the latest video produced by Messages of Christ , Daniel Smith gives a new perspective on the story of the woman accused of adultery. The video teaches how we are often quick to assume she is guilty, but in the end, we don't really know. According to the Law of Moses, it was the witnesses or accusers who were to cast the first stones. Jesus, understanding the true purpose behind the law...
PhD Egyptologist John Gee speaking on the Book of Abraham.
Last month, on July 15, 2020, Book of Mormon Central published a blog post highlighting resources on the Book of Abraham made available through BMC’s Pearl of Great Price Central research initiative. Recently, one of the project’s volunteer research consultants and peer reviewers, Egyptologist John Gee, sat down with BMC to give his thoughts on the Pearl of Great Price Central initiative and on...
John W. Welch giving a 2011 BYU Devotional.
In 2011, John W. Welch presented a BYU Devotional entitled “Thy Mind, O Man, Must Stretch.” Welch explains, The title of my presentation, “Thy Mind, O Man, Must Stretch,” comes from the poignant letter dictated by Joseph Smith from the dungeon of Liberty Jail (that so-called temple-prison that was more often prison than temple). The Prophet revealed these words almost five months into his...