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Artist unknown.
In the Book of Mormon, Ammon cuts off the arms of his Lamanite attackers at the waters of Sebus, and his fellow servants take those severed arms and present them to king Lamoni as “a testimony of the things which they had done” (Alma 17:39). Taking the body parts of one’s defeated enemies as trophies of valor and as a witness of how many were killed is a well-known practice throughout the ancient...
Screenshot from the film The Gospel of Mark
During this turbulent and contentious time, many are searching the scriptures and asking the oft-repeated question, “What Would Jesus Do?” Daniel Smith, the creator of the popular YouTube channel Messages of Christ explores this idea by looking at how the Jews labeled and divided people during the time of Jesus. His latest video uses three examples of how Christ treated those whom the Jews saw as...
Photo of gold nuggets by James St. John. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Alma 11 contains an intriguing story of a lawyer named Zeezrom and his contention with Amulek and Alma. However, this chapter starts off with a seemingly confusing and misplaced list of the Nephite monetary system. With names like antion, senine, ezrom, onti, readers may wonder why this list exists at all. Mormon’s explanation of the Nephite monetary system might illuminate several points of...