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Cover of The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text, Second Edition, edited by Royal Skousen and published by Yale University Press.
Author Royal Skousen has made it his life's work to bring readers back to the original text of the Book of Mormon. From the Original Manuscript to the current LDS edition of the Book of Mormon, various changes have made their way into the text. The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text , attempts to sift through changes in the manuscript to bring the reader back to the best approximation of...
Screenshot from Book of Mormon Central Evidence Video on the elevation of Jerusalem.
Sometimes it is the finer details that count. Throughout the Bible, journeys toward Jerusalem are described as going up while journeys away from Jerusalem are described as going down . With impressive consistency, this same distinction shows up repeatedly in Nephi’s account of his family’s travels. To find out how this subtle detail helps support the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, click on...