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Cover of Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saint Temple Ordinances by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw.
In March 1842, the Prophet Joseph Smith was inducted to a fraternal order known as Freemasons. Less than two months later, on 4 May 1842, Joseph Smith introduced the temple endowment to a select group of Latter-day Saints. Because of the close timing of these two events, and some perceived similarities in the ritual manner of both the temple Endowment and Masonic practices, many have wondered...
Image of the site of Edzna, whose ruins include fortifications from the terminal pre-classic period.
Because my first blog entitled “5 Compelling Archeological Evidences . . .” received a lot of fanfare, we felt it might be fun to present another five compelling physical evidences of the Book of Mormon. For now . . . just 5. A complete list of hundreds of evidences that have been identified can be examined at . For the purposes of this blog, I wanted...
Screenshot from the newest evidence video on internally fulfilled prophecies.
As a record written by ancient prophets, it isn’t too surprising that the Book of Mormon is full of ancient prophecies. What most readers probably haven’t noticed is that those prophecies are frequently fulfilled in the text itself, as can be seen on over 100 occasions! This video gives several examples of such prophecies, including an especially impressive cluster of fulfillments in 3 Nephi. It...
The Nephite Prophetic Worldview happens in four stages.
As Latter-day Saints are completing their Come, Follow Me study of Isaiah this week, it can be helpful to step-back and look at the big picture of Isaiah’s collective message across his entire book. This can sometimes be hard to discern, since many of the individual prophecies and passages are dense and difficult to interpret, but the Book of Mormon can be a valuable aid to helping readers...