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Facsimile 3 in the Book of Abraham.
The Book of Abraham has been viewed by some as preserving racist ideas that were common in Joseph Smith’s day. This is largely due to the fact that some people in Latter-day Saint history have erroneously interpreted several passages in the Book of Abraham in racist ways. Conversely, others, in strong reaction to any racist interpretations, appear to have made interpretive errors of their own by...
Casey Paul Griffiths at the memorial of Joseph Smith's birthplace in Sharon, Vermont.
Where is the exact spot Joseph Smith was born? Where did he grow up? How did his early life and setting prepare him to become the Prophet of the Restoration? Did you know that some of Joseph’s ancestors sailed on the Mayflower and fought in the Revolutionary War? Join professor Casey Griffiths in this travel video, as he explores the early sites of the Prophet’s life. We begin the video with...
Casey Paul Griffiths explaining the origins of the Book of Mormon in his newest video with Doctrine and Covenants Central.
Where did the Book of Mormon Come From? Who wrote it? Where was it found? What is it about? Join Professor Casey Griffiths as he travels to upstate New York and Pennsylvania to explore the historical sites connected to the discovery, translation, and printing of the Book of Mormon, and find answers to these questions and more! Before traveling to the east, Casey gathers information about the...