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How Can the Book of Mormon Provide Peace and Meaning to Those in Military Service?

“The Lord has said that: Ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed. Therefore for this cause were the Nephites contending with the Lamanites, to defend themselves, and their families, and their lands, their country, and their rights, and their religion.”
Alma 43:47
Child reading the bible. Image via pixabay
Take Your Scripture Study to the Next Level This year Latter-day Saints have been asked to take their scripture study up a notch. The Church is re-directing the center of learning to the home, where individuals and families can be flexible to study in ways that best suit their circumstances. With the onset of 2-hour church and the beginning of the Come Follow Me curriculum , members of the Church...
Book of Mormon Names Header Image
One of the best ways to test the Book of Mormon’s historical authenticity is to look at its names. Each of its unique names has now been looked at by scholars with linguistic training. It turns out that a good number of them have plausible links with words or names in ancient Near Eastern languages, especially with Hebrew and Egyptian. Some of its names are even attested very close to Lehi’s day...
Bethlehem Christmas by Joseppi via Adobe Stock
The opening lines of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” romantically capture the image of a small, quiet town where something wondrous has just happened. Every year around Christmas, families across the world reenact the story of Joseph and Mary traveling the difficult journey to Bethlehem, only to find no room in the inn (see Luke 2). The wise men, too, are remembered for first going to Jerusalem only...