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Image of Eric D. Huntsman presenting. Photo by Madeline Mortensen, BYU via KUER.
On Saturday, January 26, 2019, the BYU New Testament Commentary committee put on a conference called, “In the Beginning Were the Words: A Closer Look at Key New Testament Terms.” The conference was held in the Gordon B. Hinckley Alumni Center at BYU in Provo, Utah. The free conference was held from 9 AM to 4 PM and featured presentations by many of BYU’s best New Testament scholars. Eric D...
Earth with BMC logo.
Over the past century, Book of Mormon scholarship has been traditionally published only in English. While that may have sufficed in the past, it is not sufficient today. Over half of the membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint resides outside of the United States, and speaks a multitude of different languages. Many non-English speaking Saints want to learn more about the Book...
Parable of the Sower. Image of seedling by Pexels via Pixabay.
One of the notable aspects of Jesus’ ministry is that He frequently taught using parables, or short religiously instructive stories “that make use of characters, situations, and customs familiar to their audience.” 1 In fact, Jesus used nearly 50 parables and other metaphors during his ministry as recorded in the New Testament Gospels. John W. Welch and Greg Welch, " Parables and Metaphors of...

Come Follow Me 2019: Matthew 13; Luke 8, 13

March 18-24
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”

Some of the Savior’s most memorable teachings were in the form of simple stories called parables. These were more than just interesting anecdotes about ordinary objects or events. They contained profound truths about the kingdom of God for those who were spiritually prepared. One of the first parables recorded in the New Testament —the parable of the sower (see Matthew 13:3–23) —invites us to examine our readiness to receive God’s word. “For whosoever receiveth,” Jesus declared, “to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 13:10 [in Matthew 13:12, footnote a]). So as we prepare to study the Savior’s parables —or any of His teachings —a good place to start is to examine our hearts and determine whether we are giving the word of God “good ground” in which to grow, blossom, flourish, and produce fruit that will bless us and our families in abundance (Matthew 13:8).

Copies of the Year-End 2018 BMC Newsletter.
The BMC Newsletter covering events from September to December 2018 is now available to read online in the Book of Mormon Central Archive. The newsletter provides a summary of our year-end analytics, our 10 most popular pieces of content in 2018, and events involving BMC. It also reports on the status of on-going projects, and announces things to look forward to for the year 2019. Foremost among...
Image by skeeze via Pixabay.
Jesus famously promised “rest” to all those “that labour and are heavy laden.” He directed them to “[t]ake my yoke upon you,” assuring them that “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” ( Matthew 11:28–30 ). What did Jesus mean when he said that His “yoke” is easy? How does turning to Him make our own burdens light? As many readers are probably aware, a yoke is a type of harness, usually with a...
The Rome Italy Temple. Image via the Church Newsroom.
“Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints declare that a temple is literally a house of the Lord. Each temple is a holy sanctuary in which sacred ceremonies and ordinances of the gospel are performed by and for the living and also on behalf of the dead.” So said President Russell M. Nelson in his introductory remarks for a new video tour of the Rome Italy Temple released by the...