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Image via Gospel Media Library
In Colossians 2:7 , Pauls asks us to be "Rooted and built up in [Christ]." Check out this new video about one powerful way we can be rooted in Christ to overcome lifes challenges. This video is the first of our new Come Follow Me Lesson series. This week’s Come Follow Me lesson mentions being rooted in Jesus Christ. Paul says in Colossians, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,...
Image of man on top of a mountain by kierferpix via Adobe Stock.
The Pauline epistles of Philippians and Colossians only receive brief attention in the official Come Follow Me curriculum for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nevertheless, these texts contain valuable teachings for Latter-day Saints. For instance, much of the language of the thirteenth Article of Faith is drawn from Philippians: Article of Faith 13 Philippians 4:8 We believe in...
The cover of The Joseph Smith Papers, Documents Volume 9
A new volume of the Joseph Smith Papers Project has been published and is available for purchase from Deseret Book and other online retailers. Documents, Volume 9: December 1841–April 1842 , edited by Alex D. Smith, Christian K. Heimburger, and Christopher James Blythe, includes important documents and papers from the Prophet Joseph Smith that signify the many evolving roles the Prophet...

Why New Testament Words and Phrases Are in the Book of Mormon Part 6: Why Do Similar Clusters of Old Testament Texts Appear in Both?

"And now I, Jacob, am led on by the Spirit unto prophesying … that by the stumbling of the Jews they will reject the stone upon which they might build and have safe foundation. But behold, according to the scriptures, this stone shall become the great, and the last, and the only sure foundation, upon which the Jews can build."
The Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the ancient Israelite Tabernacle
The Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, is the most holy and solemn day of the Jewish calendar. It is the only day when the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, the most sacred place within the Tabernacle and ancient temples. It was the only day when the high priest reconciled Israel with God and symbolically brought them back into the presence of the Lord. No other day, and no other ancient...
Screens of the new ScripturePlus app by Book of Mormon Central
Book of Mormon Central is pleased to announce the release of our brand new app, ScripturePlus , on iOS. ScripturePlus offers an expansive array of Latter-day Saint scripture resources at your fingertips to get the most out of your precious scripture study time. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are increasingly using mobile devices to interact with the world around them,...
The Fortaleza Brazil Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Image via Church News.
Ephesians 4:11–14 is a well-known passage that declares that Christ called apostles, prophets, and other leaders for “the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God.” In this analogy, various leaders and members of the Church are like various body parts and...