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Come Follow Me 2019: Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5

Scripture Block
Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5
March 4–10 “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”
Reading Materials
Lynne Wilson, "Matthew 8–9; Mark 2–5," Come Follow Me: The New Testament, 2019.
Paul C. Hedengren, “Miracles,” Encyclopedia of Mormonism. Edited by Daniel H. Ludlow. Macmillian Library Reference, 1992.
Julie M. Smith, “Comparing Mark 2:13-17 and Mark 1:16-20,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Julie M. Smith, “Who is “Levi the son of Alphaeus” in Mark 2:14?,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Julie M. Smith, “Exploring Mark 2:17,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Julie M. Smith, “Is There a Mistake in Mark 2:26?,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Julie M. Smith, “A Redemptive Reading of Mark 5:25–34,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Scripture 14 (2015): 95–105.
Julie M. Smith, “Exploring Jesus’ Question in Mark 3:4,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Julie M. Smith, “Allusions to Isaiah and Exodus in Mark 3:1-6,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Blair G. Van Dyke, "Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John" Religious Educator 9, no. 3 (2008): 15–30.
Eric D. Huntsman, “Healing Women,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Eric D. Huntsman, “Calming the Stormy Sea,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Eric D. Huntsman, “He Took Our Infirmities, and Bare Our Sickness,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Eric D. Huntsman, “A Paralytic Forgiven and Healed: Mark 2, Matthew 9, Luke 5,” BYU New Testament Commentary.
Eric D. Huntsman, “Cleansing Leprosy: Mark 1, Matt. 8, Luke 5,” BYU New Testament Commentary
Amy Gordon, “The Healing Power of the Atonement: Conditioned upon Our Faith to Be Healed,” Selections from the Religious Education Student Symposium 2006 (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2006), 31–41.
Teaching Visuals

John W. Welch, “Miracles of Jesus,” Charting the New Testament, 7-8