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Come Follow Me 2019: Acts 6–9

May We So Live by Sam Lawlor via Gospel Media Library.
May We So Live by Sam Lawlor via Gospel Media Library.

Scripture Block

Acts 6–9

July 8 – 14. “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?”

Reading Materials

Lynne Wilson, “Acts 6–9,” Come Follow Me: The New Testament, 2019.

Martyrdom of Stephen

Conversion of Paul


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Saddleback Kids
Crossroads Kids' Club


Gospel Media Library
Gospel Media Library
Gospel Media Library
Gospel Media Library
Gospel Media Library
Carl Bloch, Wikimedia Commons
Sam Lawlor, Gospel Media Library
Walter Rane, Gospel Media Library
Walter Rane, Gospel Media Library
Sandy Freckleton Gagon
Coloring Page
Coloring Page



John W. Welch, “Comparing Conversions—Paul and Alma,” Charting the New Testament, 15-7.


John W. Welch, “Evidences of Paul's Wealthy Background,” Charting the New Testament, 15-5.


John W. Welch, “Paul, a Citizen of Three Worlds,” Charting the New Testament, 15-1.


John W. Welch, “Paul's Basic Theology,” Charting the New Testament, 12-6.


John W. Welch, “Miracles in Acts,” Charting the New Testament, 13-11.