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Joseph Smith and 19th century authors
These statistical results provide striking support for the Book of Mormon’s own claims about its authorship. In order to fabricate the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith would have needed the ability to create distinct fictional voices, and a talent beyond some of the greatest novelists of his time (Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, and James Fenimore Cooper).
Book of Mormon with Gold Plates
Supporting evidences of the Book of Mormon are broadly identifiable. The volume has long invited scrutiny from all branches of science. Archaeology itself can be divided and subdivided into numerous disciplines. I couldn’t possibly cover every Book of Mormon correlation in one sitting. In this post I wanted to emphasize physical evidences—stuff you can touch, see, feel. Though there are many more than five, I've tried to present a few as a thoughtful cross-section.
View of Tikal above the jungle
Cutting-edge technology has uncovered huge archaeological finds in the heart of ancient Mesoamerica. These finds confirm scriptures found in the Book of Mormon describing the world of the ancient Nephites and Lamanites.