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Come Follow Me 2023: 1 Corinthians 8–13

1 Corinthians 8–13

August 28–September 3
“Ye Are the Body of Christ”

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Watch videos from Gospel scholars and teachers to learn more about these New Testament passages. Scripture Central produces weekly videos from Tyler Griffin, Taylor Halverson, Clint Mortenson, John Hilton III, and Lynne Hilton Wilson.

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The New Testament Minute is a commentary series made especially for the free ScripturePlus app, which features insights from New Testament scholars. many of the insights in the New Testament Minute are gleaned from the BYU New Testament Commentary series. Lynne Hilton Wilson has written a commentary to supplement her New Testament video series.

Cover of New Testament Minute: 1 Corinthians
Richard D. Draper
Michael D. Rhodes
Taylor Halverson, General Editor

Reading Plan

Structure your personal scripture study by following a 15-minute, day-by-day plan. Each day's assignment includes the required scripture passages from the Come, Follow Me curriculum, as well as suggestions for additional resources to bring context and understanding to your study. For the best experience, use our Reading Plan in the free ScripturePlus app! You can track your progress and have access to the best resources.








Joseph Smith Translation Variants

Explore Joseph Smith's inspired translation of the bible by comparing his changes to the King James Version of the New Testament. To learn more, see Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible: The Joseph Smith Translation and the King James Translation in Parallel Columns.

1 Corinthians 8 



(4) As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.

(4) As concerning therefore the eating of those things which are in the world offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing and that there is none other God but one.

1 Corinthians 9 



(24) Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

(24) Know ye not that they which run in a race all run, but only one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

1 Corinthians 10 



(11) Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

(11) Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition also, and for an admonition for those upon whom the end of the world shall come.

(23) All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

(23) All things are not lawful for me, for all things are not expedient: all things are not lawful, for all things edify not.

(24) Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.

(24) Let no man seek therefore his own, but every man another’s good.

(27) If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.

(27) If any of them that believe not bid you to eat and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.

(33) Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

(33) Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but of the many, that they may be saved.

1 Corinthians 11



(10) For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

(10) For this cause ought the woman to have a covering on her head because of the angels.

(19) For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

(19) For there must be also divisions among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

(20) When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord’s supper.

(20) When ye come together therefore into one place, is it not to eat the Lord’s supper.

(21) For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken.

(21) But in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken.

(29) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

(29) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh condemnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

1 Corinthians 12



(1) Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

(1) Now concerning spiritual things, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

(31) But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

(31) I say unto you, nay, for I have shown unto you a more excellent way. Therefore, covet earnestly the best gifts.

Reading Resources

1 Corinthians 8–13

Lynne Hilton Wilson, "1 Corinthians 8-13," Come Follow Me: The New Testament, 2019.

Atonement of Jesus Christ

Escape Temptation

Unity and the Sacrament

Women and Covering Their Heads

Spiritual Gifts
