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D&C 93
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Doctrine and Covenants 93
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- Commentary: Section 93 Context, Steven C. Harper
- Scripture: D&C 93:1–5
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:1–5.
Quote: Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am (D&C 93:1). What a crowning promise to the faithful! What a blessing for those who will continue! What could be a more effective, humble prayer for us in this troubled day than to ask our Father in heaven to bless us with courage—the courage to so live that we won’t be the same every day, but with the Lord’s help a little better each day, step by step. It is my hope for us this day that we may show our love and courage by keeping his commandments.
Marvin J. Ashton, “Courage,” April 1970 General Conference. -
Quote: The perceived importance of religion and religious faith has declined in many nations in recent years. A growing number of people consider that belief in and allegiance to God are not needed for moral uprightness in either individuals or societies in today’s world. I think we would all agree that those who profess no religious belief can be, and often are, good, moral people. We would not agree, however, that this happens without divine influence. I am referring to the Light of Christ. The Savior declared, “I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (D&C 93:2; Moroni 7:16, 19). Whether aware of it or not, every man, woman, and child of every belief, place, and time is imbued with the Light of Christ and therefore possesses the sense of right and wrong we often call conscience.
D. Todd Christofferson, “Sustainable Societies,” October 2020 General Conference.
- Scripture: D&C 93:6–14
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:6–11.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:12–18.
Quote: Since the cloak of glory is the mantle of responsibility, it behooves us not only to obtain all the light and truth we can, but to use the intelligence we have to alter our lives to conform more closely to the example so beautifully portrayed in the life of Jesus.
Christ is referred to by John the Beloved as the “Word” and appropriately so, because he was and is the messenger of salvation to all nations and peoples (John 1:1,4; D&C 93:8-9).
He is the light and life of men. No one can come into the eternal presence of God the Father except through his beloved Son (John 14:6) our Savior, who is the light and Redeemer of the world. To define light and truth further, I quote from another revelation wherein the Lord commands his people “to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life, and to live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.
Delbert L. Stapley, “Light and Truth Forsake Evil,” April 1968 General Conference. -
Quote: As your love for God and His children deepens, so does your commitment to follow Jesus Christ.
You learn about His way by feasting upon His word and heeding and applying the teachings of modern prophets and apostles. You grow in confidence and courage to follow His way as you communicate with Heavenly Father with a teachable, humble heart.
Walking the path of discipleship takes practice—each day, little by little, “grace for grace” (D&C 93:12), “line upon line” (Isaiah 28:10). Sometimes two steps forward and one step back.
The important thing is that you don’t give up; keep trying to get it right. You will eventually become better, happier, and more authentic. Talking with others about your faith will become normal and natural. In fact, the gospel will be such an essential, precious part of your lives that it would feel unnatural not to talk about it with others. That may not happen immediately—it is a lifelong effort. But it will happen.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart,” April 2019 General Conference. -
Quote: I testify of that grand destiny, made available to us by the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself continued “from grace to grace” (D&C 93:13) until in His immortality (Luke 13:32), He received a perfect fulness of celestial glory (D&C 93:13). I testify that in this and every hour He is, with nail-scarred hands, extending to us that same grace, holding on to us and encouraging us, refusing to let us go until we are safely home in the embrace of Heavenly Parents. For such a perfect moment, I continue to strive, however clumsily. For such a perfect gift, I continue to give thanks, however inadequately. I do so in the very name of Perfection itself, of Him who has never been clumsy or inadequate but who loves all of us who are, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Jeffrey R. Holland, “Be Ye Therefore Perfect—Eventually,” October 2017 General Conference.
- Scripture: D&C 93:15–22
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:19–20.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:21–23.
Quote: Where is divine truth to be found? It is to “hear the voice of the Lord, … [hear] the voice of His servants, … give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles” (D&C 1:14) Hear and heed. To hear is relatively simple. To heed and apply what is heard becomes life’s perpetual challenge.
First, hear the voice of the Lord. Communication from the Lord about divine truth or spiritual knowledge is found in the scriptures. It is called revelation—literally, “to make known or uncover.” It is given to “know how to worship, and know what you worship” (D&C 93:19). Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, “Only with revelation can we do the Lord’s work according to His will in His way and according to His timing.” “Without revelation, all would be guesswork, darkness, and confusion.”
Second, hear the voice of His servants. Revelation or divine truth is given by the will of the Lord to His servants in different ways and times and is also found in the scriptures. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
Third, give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles. To give heed is to pay special attention. It is to listen to those who have been called by God to be the especial living witnesses of Jesus Christ for our time. It implies that they are recognized in this role, that a response is given to their invitation to receive a personal spiritual confirmation that their teachings are true, and that a commitment to follow them will be made.
Charles A. Didier, “Man’s Search for Divine Truth,” October 2005 General Conference. -
Quote: We pray in the name of Jesus Christ because our salvation is in Christ, and “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). We come unto the Father in the sacred name of Jesus Christ (D&C 93:19–20) because He is our Advocate with the Father and He does plead our cause (D&C 45:3–5). He suffered, bled, and died to glorify His Father, and His merciful petition on our behalf opens the way for each of us to obtain peace in this life and everlasting life in the world to come. He does not want us to suffer longer or endure more trials than needed. He does want us to turn to Him and allow Him to ease our burdens, to heal our hearts, and to cleanse our souls through His purifying power. We never want to take His name in vain with rote and repetitious words. Sincere prayers offered in the holy name of Jesus Christ are an expression of our devoted love, our eternal gratitude, and our steadfast desire to pray as He prayed, to do as He did, and to become as He is.
Carol F. McConkie, “The Soul’s Sincere Desire,” October 2016 General Conference.
- Scripture: D&C 93:23–32
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:24–28.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:29–32.
Quote: I have heard a few parents state that they don’t want to impose the gospel on their children but want them to make up their own minds about what they will believe and follow. They think that in this way they are allowing children to exercise their agency. What they forget is that the intelligent use of agency requires knowledge of the truth, of things as they really are (D&C 93:24) Without that, young people can hardly be expected to understand and evaluate the alternatives that come before them. Parents should consider how the adversary approaches their children. He and his followers are not promoting objectivity but are vigorous, multimedia advocates of sin and selfishness.Seeking to be neutral about the gospel is, in reality, to reject the existence of God and His authority. We must, rather, acknowledge Him and His omniscience if we want our children to see life’s choices clearly and be able to think for themselves. They should not have to learn by sad experience that “wickedness never was happiness” (Alma 41:10).
D. Todd Christofferson, “Moral Discipline,” October 2009 General Conference. -
Quote: So far as the philosophy and wisdom of the world are concerned, they mean nothing unless they conform to the revealed word of God. Any doctrine, whether it comes in the name of religion, science, philosophy, or whatever it may be, if it is in conflict with the revealed word of the Lord, will fail. It may appear plausible. It may be put before you in language that appeals and which you may not be able to answer. It may appear to be established by evidence that you cannot controvert but all you need to do is to abide your time. Time will level all things. You will find that every doctrine, every principle, no matter how universally believed, if it is not in accord with the divine word of the Lord to his servants, will perish. Nor is it necessary for us to try to stretch the word of the Lord in a vain attempt to make it conform to these theories and teachings. The word of the Lord shall not pass away unfulfilled (Matt. 24:35;D&C 1:38) but these false doctrines and theories will all fail. Truth, and only truth, will remain when all else has perished. The Lord has said, “And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come” (D&C 93:24).
Joseph Fielding Smith, “Be Not Deceived,” October 1952 General Conference. -
Quote: In the great revelation which contains that famous “Mormon” axiom, “The glory of God is intelligence” (D&C 93:36) we read this:
The Spirit of truth is of God. I am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth; And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth his commandments (D&C 93:26-27).
That, it seems to me, is the key to true education. No man can receive a fulness of truth unless he keeps the commandments of our Father in heaven. Learning is not wisdom. We have been misled into thinking that learning is the ultimate in education. True education must result in wisdom. The learning in the world is great. We stand breathless before the myriad of marvels of science. The wisdom of the world is puny. Witness the devastation of war. May I take a moment to read a verse from II Nephi which I have often quoted regarding this matter of learning? We have had reference made in this conference to the foolishness of so-called wise men.
Joseph F. Smith, “Rely Upon the Lord,” April 1946 General Conference.
- Scripture: D&C 93:33–40
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:33–35.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:36–37.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:38–40.
- Scripture: D&C 93:41–48
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 93:41–53.
Further Reading
Doctrine and Covenants 93
Steven C. Harper, “Section 93,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 234–235.
Susan Easton Black, “Grace - Insight Into D&C 93,” Restoration Voices Volume 2: Insights and Stories of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Matthew McBride, “Man Was Also in the Beginning with God,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
Craig J. Ostler, “Doctrine and Covenants 93: How and What We Worship,” Religious Educator 3, no. 2 (2002): 77–85.
Bryce L. Dunford, “‘He Received . . . Grace for Grace’ (D&C 93:12),” Religious Educator 3, no. 2 (2002): 87–95.
Richard D. Draper, “Light, Truth, and Grace: Three Themes of Salvation (D&C 93),” in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Doctrine and Covenants, ed. Craig K. Manscill (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004), 234–247.
Nicholas J. Frederick, “Illuminating the Text of the Doctrine and Covenants through the Gospel of John,” in You Shall Have My Word: Exploring the Text of the Doctrine and Covenants, ed. Scott C. Esplin, Richard O. Cowan, and Rachel Cope (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2012), 205–19.
“Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible,” Church History Topics.
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Are There So Many Different Names for the Plan of Salvation? (Alma 42:5).” KnoWhy 312 (May 12, 2017).
Book of Mormon Central, “Where Can You Best Learn about God’s Plan of Salvation? (Alma 24:14),” KnoWhy 272 (February 8, 2017).
Book of Mormon Central, “How is Christ Both the Father and the Son? (Mosiah 15:2),” KnoWhy 92 (May 4, 2016).
D&C 93:1
Sharon Anderson, “Beneath Canopy of Heaven,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 67.
D&C 93:6–7
Sharon Anderson, “Before the World Was,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), Addendum.
D&C 93:15
Sharon Anderson, “Sign of the Dove,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 10.
Sharon Anderson, “The Kingdom Is at Hand,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 38.
D&C 93:16–18
Sharon Anderson, “Glory of the Sun,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 153.
D&C 93:33
Sharon Anderson, “Where We Began,” in The Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), Addendum.