To submit your artwork to the 2021 Book of Mormon Central Art Competition, please fill out the form below.
Submission Requirements
- File extensions: PNG, JPG, TIFF, PSD image formats accepted
- Resolution: Resolution must be at least 300 dpi, and at least 2500x2500 pixels in dimension.
- Filename: Image files must be titled as follows: [last-name]-[first-name]-[title].jpg.
- For example, if your last name is John Johnson and the title of your piece is "Gold Plates," the filename of your image should be "johnson-john-gold-plates" or "johnson-john-gold-plates.tiff"
- If you are submitting a 3-dimensional work of art (sculpture, ceramics, etc.), you need to provide multiple images of the work from different angles to be able to adjudicate the piece in the round. If you need to upload multiple images, please upload a .ZIP directory containing your images.
- You must title your .ZIP directory [lastname] If your last name is Johnson, the zip directory should be ""
- Multiple entries per artist are allowed, but each piece of art must me made in separate form submissions.
Failure to comply with any of these parameters may result in the participant's disqualification.
Please refer to the 2021 Art Contest information page for more details
Submission Form
*Fields with an asterisk are required