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Come Follow Me 2020: Christmas

Scripture Block
December 21–27. “He Shall Come into the World to Redeem His People”
Recommended Resources on Christmas from Book of Mormon Central
This year for Christmas, we invite you to learn about the birth of Christ from the Nephite perspective. Ancient prophets in the New World prophesied of the coming of Jesus Christ hundreds of years before his birth. We can draw closer to the Savior this Christmas as we study what he meant to Book of Mormon peoples. Provided here are several videos from our regular Come, Follow Me contributors such as Taylor Halverson, Tyler Griffin, and John Hilton III. You can also find many articles that give unique, concise insight into the Christmas-related passages of the Book of Mormon.
Videos on Christmas
Messages of Christ
Messages of Christ is an affiliate YouTube channel of Book of Mormon Central. Messages of Christ produces videos on the life of Jesus Christ and the stories of the New Testament. Featured here are some of the channel's best videos on Christmas
Articles on Christmas
Reading Plan
Structure your personal scripture study by following a multimedia, day by day plan. Each day's assignment includes the required scripture passages from the Come Follow Me curriculum, as well as suggestions for additional resources to bring context and understanding to your study.
- Scripture: 1 Nephi 11:13–36
- Video: An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth to Mary (2:33)
- KnoWhy 543: Why Didn’t Nephi Mention Mary’s Name?
- Scripture: Mosiah 3:5–10
- Video: Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem (5:17)
- KnoWhy 255: How Does the Book of Mormon Help Date the First Christmas?
- Scripture: Helaman 14:1–13
- Video: Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ (6:43)
- Blog: Why Was the Birth of Jesus Glad Tidings?
Thursday Christmas Eve
- Scripture: 3 Nephi 1:4–22
- Video: The Nativity (7:53)
- Video: Samuel and the Star (3:04)
Friday Christmas Day
- Video: O Come, Emmanuel - Christmas Version (5:27)
- Video: Getting Into The Christmas Spirit - The True Meaning of Christmas (3:57)
Explore Further
- Video: The Old Shoemaker (3:27)
- Video: The Coat: A Story of Charity (2:07)
- Scripture: 2 Nephi 2:6; Alma 7:7–13;
- Video: The Christ Child Is Presented at the Temple (1:53)
- KnoWhy 392: Why Did the Wise Men Give Jesus Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
- Video: Wise Men Still Seek Him - Modern-Day Story of The Wise Men (3:31)
- Scripture: Alma 11:40; Helaman 5:9; Helaman 14:16–17
- Video: The Wise Men Seek Jesus (5:41)
- KnoWhy 187: Why Does Mormon State that ‘Angels Did Appear unto Wise Men’?