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Come Follow Me 2019: Matthew 1; Luke 1

The Annunciation by John Scott. Image via LDS Media Library
The Annunciation by John Scott. Image via LDS Media Library

Scripture Block

Matthew 1; Luke 1

January 7–13 “Be It unto Me according to Thy Word”

Reading Materials

Lynne Hilton Wilson, "Matthew 1 and Luke 1," Come Follow Me Commentary: The New Testament, 2019.

Taylor Halverson, “Matthew 1 and Luke 1: Testimonies of Jesus,” The Interpreter Foundation Blog (January 4, 2015), accessed December 29, 2018.

Taylor Halverson, “The Psalm of Mary, or Mary’s Magnificat,” The Interpreter Foundation Blog (August 13, 2013), accessed December 29, 2018.

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Mary and Joseph: Part 1 of 4, An Angel Comes to Galilee,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018.

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Mary and Joseph: Part 2 of 4, Mary,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Mary and Joseph: Part 3 of 4, Joseph and Mary,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Mary and Joseph: part 4 of 4, Bethlehem and Beyond,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018.

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Zacharias and Elisabeth: Part One of Three, The Angel Comes to the Priest Zacharias,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018.

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Zacharias and Elisabeth: Part Two of Three, Elisabeth,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018.

S. Kent Brown, “The Chronicles of Zacharias and Elisabeth: Part Three of Three, The Birth of John,” The BYU New Testament Commentary, accessed December 29, 2018.

Elizabeth,” Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible.

Teaching Visuals





John W. Welch, “Organization of Jewish Priests,” Charting the New Testament.
John W. Welch, “Organization of Jewish Priests,” Charting the New Testament.

John W. Welch, “Passages on John the Baptist,” Charting the New Testament.
John W. Welch, “Passages on John the Baptist,” Charting the New Testament.

John W. Welch, “Lineages of Joseph,” Charting the New Testament
John W. Welch, “Lineages of Joseph,” Charting the New Testament

John W. Welch, “Jesus at the Temple,” Charting the New Testament.
John W. Welch, “Jesus at the Temple,” Charting the New Testament.

John W. Welch, “Prophecies of Christ’s Ministry in the Meridian of Time,” Charting the New Testament
John W. Welch, “Prophecies of Christ’s Ministry in the Meridian of Time,” Charting the New Testament