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Dan Peterson Lauds Book of Mormon Central

 A primary goal of Book of Mormon Central is to create a searchable and easily accessible online archive of the materials that have been created by LDS writers and scholars over the years.  Over the past several decades, since well before the establishment of the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, known as FARMS, in the late 1970s, a vast amount of scholarly material and insight has been generated with respect to the Book of Mormon. It is so vast that it’s been practically impossible to navigate, even for those deeply involved in creating it and working with it.

But many Latter-day Saints are scarcely aware that it even exists, and much of it has been out of print for so long that a new generation has been born and come to maturity with virtually no opportunity even to see it. In some cases, too, members of the Church have fallen victim to purportedly new criticisms of the Book of Mormon that were actually answered many years ago.  Book of Mormon Central, a non-profit operation, gathers in one place all the responsible commentary on the Book of Mormon and makes it searchable, plus weekly helps for gospel doctrine teachers and daily "KnowWhy's" plus many other features will engender a new flourishing of Book of Mormon study.




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