The Book of Mormon may seem like it's solely a spiritual book and that it's out-of-touch with real-life problems and current events. But if you look closely, the Book of Mormon actually has a lot to say about this upcoming election.
As you prayerfully consider which candidate to vote for this election season, carefully study the examples the Book of Mormon provide. Elder Ballard has said, "The Book of Mormon, above all other books that I know of, is the greatest source we have for answers to real-life problems."
Further Reading
LDS Church Statement on Political Participation
Bishop, Joshua Clark. "For Their Liberty and Their Freedom." In Selections from the BYU Religious Education Student Symposium 2003, 7-15. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 2003.
Merrill, Byron R. "Government by the Voice of the People: A Witness and a Warning." In The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 113-137. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 1991.
Sara D. Smith, "Finding Answers in the Book of Mormon," Ensign January 2012.