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Dust and Clay in the Book of Mormon

UPDATE     Jeff Lindsay, author of this article says:   My earlier exploration of dust-related themes in the Book of Mormon has been refined, expanded, and revised through further work and through the peer review process.  That work has become a three-part series, beginning with the new publication, "'Arise from the Dust': Insights from Dust-Related Themes in the Book of Mormon (Part 1: Tracks from the Book of Moses)" by Jeff Lindsay in Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 22 (2016): 179-232. It's also available as a PDF file and a voice recording. 

The Book of Mormon uses ancient themes related to rising from the dust to convey meaning related to covenant keeping, repentance, resurrection, and enthronement, with Isaiah's call to "rise from the dust" in Isaiah 52 playing a key role throughout the Book of Mormon.  Jeff Lindsay, in a recent blog, reports that the ancient complex of themes related to dust and clay can also be found in the Book of Moses, the  Dead Sea Scrolls and multiple places in the Bible.

 Seers are raised up by the Lord as part of God’s creative and revelatory work to raise up all of us if we will let Him.The word "raise" is important in the context of dust themes in the Book of Mormon and in Isaiah 52.  Mosiah 8:17 reiterates that through seers, “hidden things shall come to light.” By washing off the clay/dust that brings darkness, access to light and knowledge is made possible, revealing the hidden things of the Creation and assisting in God’s ongoing creative work as He helps His children rise from the dust and enter into light and life.

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