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Psalms 1–2; 8; 19–33; 40; 46
Bible Central Chapter Guides
Old Testament Commentary
Taylor M. Halverson, General Editor
Reading Plan
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 2:6–7
- Video: Taylor Halverson, Understanding the Psalms (Psalm 1, 2, 8)
- Scripture: Psalm 1:1–6
- Scripture: Psalm 2:1–12
- Scripture: Psalm 8:1–9
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 33:5
- Video: John Hilton III, How Can the Psalms Help Us Know the Book of Mormon is God’s Word? (Psalm 19)
- Scripture: Psalm 19:1–14
- Scripture: Psalm 20:1–9
- Scripture: Psalm 21:1–13
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 23:1
- Video: Casey Paul Griffiths, Psalm 23 and the Good Shepherd (Psalm 23)
- Scripture: Psalm 22:1–31
- Scripture: Psalm 23:1–6
- Scripture: Psalm 24:1–10
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 26:1–3
- Video: Marianna Richardson, Tips for Studying the Book of Psalms (Psalm 25)
- Scripture: Psalm 25:1–22
- Scripture: Psalm 26:1–12
- Scripture: Psalm 27:1–14
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 28:7
- Chart: Donald W. Parry, The Psalms: Praises to the Lord Jesus Christ
- Scripture: Psalm 28:1–9
- Scripture: Psalm 29:1–11
- Scripture: Psalm 30:1–12
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 31:1
- Video: Lynne Hilton Wilson, Christ and the Temple in the Book of Psalms (Psalms 31–32)
- Scripture: Psalm 31:1–24
- Scripture: Psalm 32:1–11
- Verse of the Day: Psalm 46:10
- Video: Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye, Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46)
- Scripture: Psalm 33:1–22
- Scripture: Psalm 40:1–17
- Scripture: Psalm 46:1–11
Psalms 1–46
David J. Larsen, “From Dust to Exalted Crown: Royal and Temple Themes Common to the Psalms and the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 45 (2021): 251–262.
David J. Larsen, “Ascending into the Hill of the Lord: What the Psalms Can Tell Us About the Rituals of the First Temple,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 38 (2020): 15–34.
Psalm 6, 14
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do Biblical Psalms of Lament Show Up in the Book of Mormon? (1 Nephi 8:8),” KnoWhy 438 (May 31, 2018).
Psalm 11
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Does the Book of Mormon Warn that a Lake of Fire and Brimstone Awaits Sinners in the Afterlife? (2 Nephi 9:16),” KnoWhy 446 (July 3, 2018).
Psalm 19
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Does the Book of Mormon Use So Many Different Terms for “Law”? (Alma 30:3),” KnoWhy 568 (July 7, 2020).
Psalm 22
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do Biblical Psalms of Lament Show Up in the Book of Mormon? (1 Nephi 8:8),” KnoWhy 438 (May 31, 2018).
Shon D. Hopkin, “The Psalm 22:16 Controversy: New Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls,” BYU Studies Quarterly 44 no. 3 (2005): 161–172.
Psalm 24
Book of Mormon Central, “How Do the Psalms Quoted in the Book of Mormon Teach about the Temple? (2 Nephi 25:16),” KnoWhy 437 (May 29, 2018).
David J. Larsen, “Ascending into the Hill of the Lord: What the Psalms Can Tell Us About the Rituals of the First Temple,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 38 (2020): 15–34.
Donald W. Parry, “Temple Worship and a Possible Reference to a Prayer Circle in Psalm 24,” BYU Studies Quarterly 32 no. 4 (1992): 57–62.
Psalm 25–31
Kenneth L. Alford, and Baker, D. Bryce, “Parallels between Psalms 25–31 and the Psalm of Nephi,” in Ascending the Mountain of the Lord: Temple, Praise, and Worship in the Old Testament (2013 Sperry Symposium), 312–28.
Psalm 34
Book of Mormon Central, “Was the Requirement of a “Broken Heart” Known Before the Time of Christ? (2 Nephi 2:7),” KnoWhy 27 (February 5, 2016).
Psalm 41
Matthew B. Brown, “The Handclasp, the Temple, and the King,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 42 (2021): 421–426.
Psalm 46
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Did Zenos Quote from Psalm 46 in His Prophecy of Christ’s Death? (1 Nephi 19:11),” KnoWhy 313 (May 15, 2017).