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Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5
Videos for This Week
Bible Central Chapter Guides
Daily Reading Plan
- Daily Verse: Abraham 4:1
- Video: Marianna Richardson, Different Creation Accounts (Genesis 1:1-5)
- Scripture: Moses 2:1–5
- Scripture: Abraham 4:1–5
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 1:1–5
- KnoWhy 400: Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation?
- Book of Abraham Insight 19: Creation from Chaos
- Book of Moses Essay 46: The Days of Creation and Temple Architecture
- Daily Verse: Genesis 1:6
- Video: Jasmin Rappleye, Cosmology and the Creation (Genesis 1:6-8)
- Scripture: Moses 2:6–13
- Scripture: Abraham 4:6–13
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 1:6–13
- Daily Verse: Moses 2:11–2
- Video: Casey Griffiths, Is the Creation in Conflict with Science? (Genesis 1:24-31)
- Scripture: Moses 2:14–23
- Scripture: Abraham 4:14–23
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 1:14–23
- Daily Verse: Moses 2:24
- Video: John Hilton III, A Man Shall Cleave Unto His Wife (Genesis 2:24)
- Scripture: Moses 2:24–31
- Scripture: Abraham: 4:24–31
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 1:24–31
- Daily Verse: Moses 3:2
- Video: Taylor Halverson, The Symbols of the Sabbath (Moses 3:2)
- Scripture: Moses 3:1–7
- Scripture: Abraham 5:1–6
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 2:1–7
- Daily Verse: Genesis 1:1
- Video: Lynne Wilson, The Creation in the Bible and the Book of Mormon (Genesis 1:1-5)
- Scripture: Moses 3:8–17
- Scripture: Abraham 5:7–13
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 2:8–17
- Daily Verse: Moses 3:22–23
- Video: Lynne Wilson, The Creation of Adam (Moses 3)
- Scripture: Moses 3:18–25
- Scripture: Abraham 5:14–21
Further Reading
- Scripture: Genesis 2:18–25
Genesis 1
Kevin L. Barney, “Examining Six Key Concepts in Joseph Smith’s Understanding of Genesis 1:1,” BYU Studies 39, no. 3 (2000): 107–124.
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation? (2 Nephi 2:22),” KnoWhy 400 (January 18, 2018).
Michael A. Goodman, “The Creation: An Introduction to Our Relationship to God,” Religious Educator 8, no. 3 (2007): 15–29.
John S. Lewis, “The Scale of Creation in Space and Time,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 8 (2014): 71–80.
Neal A. Maxwell, “Our Creator's Cosmos,” in By Study and by Faith: Selections from the Religious Educator, ed. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009), 37–50.
F. Kent Nielsen and Stephen D. Ricks, “Creation, Creation Accounts,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow (New York, NY: Macmillan Publishers, 1992) 1:340–341.
Michael D. Rhodes, “The Scriptural Accounts of the Creation: A Scientific Perspective,” in Converging Paths to Truth, ed. Michael D. Rhodes and J. Ward Moody (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, 2011), 123–150.
Bruce A. Roundy, and Robert J. Norman. “‘All Things Denote There Is a God’: Seeing Christ in the Creation,” Religious Educator 6, no. 2 (2005): 51–62.
David R. Seely, and Jo Ann Seely. “The Crown of Creation,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 43 (2002), 279–290.
Andrew C. Skinner, “The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective,” in Jesus Christ: Son of God, Savior, ed. Paul H. Peterson, Gary L. Hatch, and Laura D. Card (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2002), 50–78.
Stephen D. Ricks, “Liturgy and Cosmogony: The Ritual Use of Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East,” in Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, ed. Donald W. Parry (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: FARMS and Deseret Book, 1994), 118–125.
T. B. Spackman, “Understanding Genesis and the Temple,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 17 (2016): 197–199.
Stephen O. Smoot, “The Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Mormon,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 27 (2017): 155–180.
Genesis 2
LeGrand L. Baker, “The Cosmic Mountain Represents the Garden of Eden,” in The Book of Mormon as an Ancient Israelite Temple: Nineteen Classic Temple Characteristics of the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2012), 32-35.
RoseAnn Benson, “The Marriage of Adam and Eve: Ritual and Literary Elements,” in By Our Rites of Worship: Latter-day Saint Views on Ritual in Scripture, History, and Practice, ed. Daniel L. Belnap (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013), 107–131.
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Tree of Knowledge as the Veil of the Sanctuary,” in Ascending the Mountain of the Lord: Temple, Praise, and Worship in the Old Testament (2013 Sperry Symposium), ed. Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Matthew J. Grey, and David Rolph Seely (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013), 49–65.
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation? (2 Nephi 2:22),” KnoWhy 400 (January 18, 2018).
David M. Calabro, “Lehi’s Dream and the Garden of Eden,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 26 (2017): 269–296.
Alex Douglas, “The Garden of Eden, the Ancient Temple, and Receiving a New Name,” in Ascending the Mountain of the Lord: Temple, Praise, and Worship in the Old Testament (2013 Sperry Symposium), ed. Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Matthew J. Grey, and David Rolph Seely (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013), 36–48.
Michael A. Goodman, “Eternal Marriage and Family in the Old Testament,” in The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, The 38th Annual BYU Sidney B. Sperry Symposium (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009), 17–31.
Douglas S. Ladle, “Teaching the Fall of Adam and Eve,” Religious Educator 5, no. 1 (2004): 41–55.
Donald W. Parry, “Garden of Eden: Prototype Sanctuary,” in Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, ed. Donald W. Parry (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book; Provo, UT: FARMS, 1994), 126–151.
Brian K. Ray, "Understanding the House of the Lord: A Study of Holy Places in Scripture," Religious Educator 18, no. 3 (2018): 83–93.
Noel B. Reynolds, “The Status of Women in Old Testament Marriage,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 28 (2018): 233–236.
Stephen D. Ricks, “Adam's Fall in the Book of Mormon, Second Temple Judaism, and Early Christianity,” in The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, eds. Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2000), 595-606.
Andrew C. Skinner, “Savior, Satan, and Serpent: The Duality of a Symbol in the Scriptures,” in The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, eds. by Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 2000), 359-384.
Moses 2
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation? (2 Nephi 2:22),” KnoWhy 400 (January 18, 2018).
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Days of Creation and Temple Architecture,” Book of Moses Essay 46 (March 12, 2021).
Moses 2:3
Bowen, Matthew L. “‘Creator of the First Day’: The Glossing of Lord of Sabaoth in D&C 95:7.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 22 (2016): 51–77.
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Creation of Light and the Heavenly Host,” Book of Moses Essay 47 (March 19, 2021).
Moses 2:5
Matthew L. Bowen and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “’This I Did by the Word of My Power,’” Book of Moses Essay 48 (March 26, 2021).
Moses 2:26–27
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “’Let Us Make Man in Our Image, After Our Likeness,’” Book of Moses Essay 49 (April 2, 2021).
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “’Male and Female Created I Them,’” Book of Moses Essay 50 (April 9, 2021).
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “Science and the Creation of Man,” Book of Moses Essay 51 (April 16, 2021).
Moses 3
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Did Lehi Teach that the Fall was Necessary? (2 Nephi 2:22–25),” KnoWhy 269 (February 1, 2017).
Calabro, David. “Lehi’s dream and the Garden of Eden.” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 26 (2017): 269–296.
Parry, Donald W. “Garden of Eden: Prototype sanctuary.” In Temples of the Ancient World, edited by Donald W. Parry, 126–151. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1994.
Moses 3:1
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Seventh Day,” Book of Moses Essay 52 (April 23, 2021).
Moses 3:4–5
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “Is the Transition Between Moses 2 and 3 a Clumsy Stitch or a Skillful Shift?,” Book of Moses Essay 53 (April 30, 2021).
Moses 3:5–7
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “Spiritual Creation,” Book of Moses Essay 54 (May 7, 2021).
Moses 3:8
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Garden of Eden as a Model for the Temple in Israel and Old Babylon,” Book of Moses Essay 55 (May 14, 2021).
Moses 3:9
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Symbolism of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life,” Book of Moses Essay 58 (June 4, 2021).
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Tree in the Sacred Center of the Garden of Eden,” Book of Moses Essay 61 (June 25, 2021).
Moses 3:15-17
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “God Instructs Adam and Eve,” Book of Moses Essay 57 (May 28, 2021).
Moses 3:19–20
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Naming of Animals, Angels, Adam, and Eve,” Book of Moses Essay 56 (May 21, 2021).
Moses 3:25
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, “The Nakedness and Clothing of Adam and Eve,” Book of Moses Essay 68 (August 13, 2021).
Abraham 4
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation? (2 Nephi 2:22),” KnoWhy 400 (January 18, 2018).
Rhodes, Michael D. “The Scriptural Accounts of the Creation: A Scientific Perspective,” in Converging Paths to Truth, ed. Michael D. Rhodes and J. Ward Moody (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, 2011), 123–50.
Abraham 4:1
Barney, Kevin. “Examining Six Key Concepts in Joseph Smith’s Understanding of Genesis 1:1,” BYU Studies 39, no. 3 (2000): 107–124.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Divine Council,” Book of Abraham Insight 18 (November 6, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Ancient Near Eastern Creation Myths,” Book of Abraham Insight 20 (November 18, 2019).
Smoot, Stephen O. “Council, Chaos, and Creation in the Book of Abraham,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 28–39.
Abraham 4:2
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Creation from Chaos,” Book of Abraham Insight 19 (November 12, 2019).
Abraham 5
Abraham 5:1
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Creation from Chaos,” Book of Abraham Insight 19 (November 12, 2019).
Abraham 5:7
Draper, Richard D.. "The Creation of Humankind, An Allegory?: A Note on Abraham 5:7, 14-16." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 75-82. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Abraham 5:14-16
Draper, Richard D.. "The Creation of Humankind, An Allegory?: A Note on Abraham 5:7, 14-16." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 75-82. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.