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Reading Plan
- Scripture: D&C 88:77–80, 118, 126
- Quote: Spiritual Foundations by President Nelson
- Scripture: 2 Nephi 31:20–21
- Scripture: 2 Nephi 32:3–5
- Quote: Understand How the Savior Sees You by Elaine S. Dalton
- Quote: Feasting on Scriptures is a Unique Experience by Walter F. Gonzalez
- Quote: What the Holy Ghost Cannot Do for Us by Matthew O. Richardson
- Quote: Cultivate the Gift of the Holy Ghost by Vicki F. Matsumori
- Quote: Saying Prayers versus Praying by Boyd K. Packer
- Quote: We Are Not Alone by Sheri Dew
- Scripture: Matthew 7:7–11
- Scripture: James 1:5–6
- Quote: The Gospel is a Fountain of Knowledge that Never Runs Dry by Gérald Caussé
- Quote: Prayers Must be in Harmony with the Plan of Heaven by Keith B. McMullen
- Quote: The Reward is Worth the Effort by Robert D. Hales
- Quote: Wisdom Comes Through Effort by David O. McKat
- Quote: Pray to Receive Testimony by Keith B. McMullin
- Quote: The Greatest Quest is a Search for God by Howard W. Hunter
- Scripture: D&C 58:26–28
- Quote: Don’t Wait for Others; Set an Example by George Albert Smith
- Quote: Step Up and Be Strong by Barbara S. Thompson
- Quote: Only You Can Reach Upwards on Your Behalf by Robert D. Hales
- Quote: Maintain Good Personal Habits by Delbert L. Stapley
- Scripture: 3 Nephi 23:1–5
- Scripture: John 5:39, 46–47
- Scripture: Acts 17:11
- Quote: We Must Study the Scriptures by Spencer W. Kimball
- Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 9:7–8
- Quote: Blessings Require Work by James E. Faust
- Quote: The Pattern for Seeking Answers from God by Craig C. Christensen
- Quote: Study and Faith by Dallin H. Oaks
- Quote: Preparing to Receive Revelation by Robert D. Hales
- Quote: The Pattern of Responses from the Lord by Richard G. Scott
- Quote: A Counsel to Guide You by Thomas S. Monson
- Scripture: 2 Nephi 28:27–30
- Scripture: Isaiah 28:10
- Quote: Surrendering into the Arms of a Loving Christ by F. Enzio Busche
- Quote: Line Upon Line by De Hoyos Benjamin
- Quote: It Is Our Responsibility to Keep Our Lamp Burning by David A. Bednar
- Quote: Walk the Path of Discipleship by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Reading Resources
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Learning is becoming more like God,” Deseret News (March 29, 2015), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “5 ways to be a learning designer, not just a teacher,” Deseret News (December 16, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Do we need a ‘Learning, No Greater Responsibility’?” Deseret News (December 12, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Rules for learning,” Deseret News (January 15, 2015), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “One Significant Way Our Savior Used Numbers to Create Meaning That Might Have You Rethinking His Teachings,” LDS Living (November 25, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson and Doug Whitney, “2 Things Distracting Us from Hearing the Voice of God in Our Lives + How to Tune Them Out,” LDS Living (October 24, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “The Surprising Lesson My Muslim Friends Taught Me About Scripture Study,” LDS Living (September 14, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Why We Need a Modern-Day Tyndale Moment,” LDS Living (September 5, 2017).
Taylor Halverson, “Why Being Willing to Ask God Will Open Mysteries of the Gospel You Didn't Even Know Were There,” LDS Living (May 27, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “’Wrestling’ for Answers: 5 People from the Scriptures Who Asked Difficult Questions,” LDS Living (May 11, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “The Best Way to Get More Revelation in Your Life,” LDS Living (March 30, 2017), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Break the tradition of education by lectures and learn more by doing,” Deseret News (September 13, 2016), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Learn by doing, not just by reading and listening,” Deseret News (August 22, 2016), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: Teaching faith and science to children,” Deseret News (February 23, 2016), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: What is a lecture? A technology of learning,” Deseret News (August 17, 2015), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Taylor Halverson: What is technology, our master or servant?,” Deseret News (August 12, 2015), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Collaborative Learning,” BYU Center for Teaching and Learning (2012), accessed December 14, 2018.
Taylor Halverson, “Helping students take responsibility for learning,” BYU Center for Teaching and Learning (2012), accessed December 14, 2018.