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D&C 67–70
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Doctrine and Covenants 67
Doctrine and Covenants 68
Doctrine and Covenants 69
Doctrine and Covenants 70
Daily Reading Plan
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- Commentary: Section 67 Context, Steven C. Harper
- Scripture: D&C 67:1–9
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 67:1–5.
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 67:6–9.
- Scripture: D&C 67:10–14
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 67:10–14
- Video: Scriptural Revelation - Casey Griffiths (D&C 67–70)
- Commentary: Section 68 Context, Steven C. Harper
- Scripture: D&C 68:1–12
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:1–5
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:6–12
- Scripture: D&C 68:13–24
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:13–21
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:22–24
- Video: Become More Cheerful - Taylor Halverson (D&C 67–70)
- Scripture: D&C 68:25–35
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:25–28
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 68:29–35
- Commentary: Section 69 Context, Steven C. Harper
- Scripture: D&C 69:1–8
- Commentary: Section 70 Context, Steven C. Harper
- Scripture: D&C 70:1-5
- Scripture: D&C 70:6–18
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 70:1–6
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 70:7–13
- Commentary: Casey Paul Griffiths, Doctrine and Covenants Minute, Doctrine and Covenants 70:14–18
Doctrine and Covenants 67
Steven C. Harper, “Section 67,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 155–158.
Susan Easton Black, “Truthfulness of the Revelations - Insight Into D&C 67,” Restoration Voices Volume 2: Insights and Stories of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Matthew C. Godfrey, “William McLellin's Five Questions,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
Susan Easton Black, “William Wines Phelps,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
“The Gift Has Returned,” Saints, Volume 1: The Standard of Truth (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2018), 1:140–143.
“Bishop,” Church History Topics.
“Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood,” Church History Topics.
D&C 67:12
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can One Overcome the Natural Man? (Mosiah 3:19),” KnoWhy 311 (May 10, 2017).
D&C 67:13
Book of Mormon Central, “What Does It Mean to Be Perfect? (3 Nephi 12:48),” KnoWhy 335 (July 5, 2017).
Doctrine and Covenants 68
Steven C. Harper, “Section 68,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 159–160.
Susan Easton Black, “One Word - Insight Into D&C 68,” Restoration Voices Volume 2: Insights and Stories of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “Orson Hyde,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “Luke S. Johnson,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “Lyman Eugene Johnson,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “William Earl McLellin,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
D&C 68:8
Book of Mormon Central, “How Have LDS Women Shared the Book of Mormon? (Alma 32:23),” KnoWhy 433 (May 15, 2018).
D&C 68:25–28
Book of Mormon Central. “Where Did Joseph Smith Get His Teachings on the Family? (3 Nephi 18:21).” KnoWhy 285 (March 10, 2017).
Book of Mormon Central, “How Does the Doctrine of Christ Relate to the Ancient Temple? (2 Nephi 32:4–6),” KnoWhy 552 (March 3, 2020).
Book of Mormon Central, “What is the Doctrine of Christ? (2 Nephi 31:21),” KnoWhy 58 (March 21, 2016).
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Did Moroni Include Mormon’s Condemnation of Infant Baptism? (Moroni 8:12),” KnoWhy 253 (December 15, 2016).
Doctrine and Covenants 69
Steven C. Harper, “Section 69,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 161–163.
Susan Easton Black, “Stewardships - Insight Into D&C 69,” Restoration Voices Volume 2: Insights and Stories of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Brian Reeves, “The Book of John Whitmer,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
Susan Easton Black, “Oliver Cowdery,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “John Whitmer,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
D&C 69:3
Scott C. Esplin, “‘A History of All the Important Things’ (D&C 69:3): John Whitmer’s Record of Church History,” in Preserving the History of the Latter-day Saints, ed. Richard E. Turley Jr. and Steven C. Harper (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2010), 49–82.
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Is It Important to Keep Records? (1 Nephi 9:5),” KnoWhy 345 (July 28, 2017).
Doctrine and Covenants 70
Steven C. Harper, “Section 70,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 164–167.
Susan Easton Black, “Stewards over the Revelations - Insight Into D&C 70,” Restoration Voices Volume 2: Insights and Stories of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Matthew C. Godfrey, “Newel K. Whitney and the United Firm,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
Susan Easton Black, “Martin Harris,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “Oliver Cowdery,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “John Whitmer,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “Sidney Rigdon,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Susan Easton Black, “William Wines Phelps,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
D&C 70:1
Book of Mormon Central. “How Did Martin Harris Help Bring Forth the Book of Mormon? (2 Nephi 27:15).” KnoWhy 251 (March 24, 2017).