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Alma 5–7
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John W. Welch, General Editor
Reading Plan
Structure your personal scripture study by following a 15-minute, day-by-day plan. Each day's assignment includes the required scripture passages from the Come, Follow Me curriculum, as well as suggestions for additional resources to bring context and understanding to your study. For the best experience, use our Reading Plan in the free ScripturePlus app! You can track your progress and have access to the best resources.
- Scripture: Alma 5:1-13
- Commentary: The Wisdom of Reading the Law
- KnoWhy: Why Did Alma Add “Chains of Hell” to Abinadi’s Phrase “Bands of Death”?
Additional Study
- Commentary: Delivering the Word of God to Several Different Audiences
- Commentary: Alma's Greatest Public Speech
- Commentary: Teaching with the Spirit
- Commentary: If One Deletes All the Questions, What Remains of This Speech?
- Commentary: Remembering God's Acts for His People
- Commentary: Alma 5:3-5
- Commentary: Alma 5:9-12
- Scripture: Alma 5:14-42
- Commentary: Alma 5:26
Additional Study
- KnoWhy: Why Did Alma Ask Church Members Fifty Probing Questions?
- Evidence: God’s Image Engraven upon Countenances
- Commentary: Alma Asks Questions to Share His Message Effectively
- Commentary: Strategic Pauses
- Commentary: Imagining the Day of Judgement
- Commentary: Inviting Us to Assess Our Spiritual Condition and Repent
- Commentary: Alma 5:13-14
- Commentary: Alma 5:15
- Scripture: Alma 5:43-50
- Commentary: How We Obtain Spiritual Knowledge
- Commentary: Alma 5:46-47
- Commentary: Alma 5:48-49
- Scripture: Alma 5:51-62
- Commentary: Refusing to Repent
- Commentary: Alma 5:50-51
- Commentary: Alma 5:52-56
- Commentary: Alma 5:57-60
- Commentary: Alma 5:61-62
- Scripture: Alma 6:1-8
- Commentary: The City of Gideon
- Commentary: Alma 6:1-4
- Commentary: Alma 6:5-6
- Commentary: Alma 6:7-8
- Additional Study
- Scripture: Alma 7:1-13
- Commentary: Alma 7:9-12
- KnoWhy: Whose “Word” Was Fulfilled by Christ’s Suffering “Pains and Sicknesses”?
Additional Study
- Commentary: Joy in Speaking to the People of Gideon
- Commentary: A Different Speech for the People of Gideon
- Commentary: A Righteous People
- Commentary: What Does Alma Teach about the Atonement?
- Commentary: Alma 7:3-5
- Commentary: Alma 7:6-8
- KnoWhy: What Did Alma Reveal about the Savior’s Mission?
- Scripture: Alma 7:14-27
- Commentary: Alma Invites the People to be Baptized
- Commentary: Alma 7:22-25
Additional Study
- Commentary: The Spirit Cannot Dwell in Unholy Temples
- Commentary: Alma Pronounces a Concluding Blessing on the People
- Commentary: Alma 7:13-15
- Commentary: Alma 7:19-21
- Commentary: Alma 7:26-27
- KnoWhy: Why Does Alma Mention Three Kinds of Paths in One Verse?
Additional Resources
Explore art, charts, and more.
- Life Spans of Mosiah's Lineage
- The Nephite Judges
- Alma as High Priest: Years 9–19 of the Reign of the Judges
- Nephihah as Chief Judge: Years 9–24 of the Reign of the Judges
- Key Doctrinal Chapters: Mosiah–Alma
- The Speeches of Alma
- 50 Questions of Alma 5: Overview
- 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 1–17
- 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 18–29
- 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 30–40
- 50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 41–50
- Three Trees in the Book of Mormon
- Women in the Book of Mormon
- Missionary Work
- Nephite Cycles: Years 1–49 of the Reign of the Judges (90–40 B.C.)
- Alma's Journeys in the Land of Zarahemla
- Whose Words Are Found in the Book of Mormon?
- Number of Pages in Books of the Book of Mormon
- Average Number of Pages Covering One Nephite Year
- Nephite Books Compared by Length and Years Covered
- Nephite Books Listed Chronologically
- Names Used for Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
- Names and Concepts Associated with Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
- Number of Names Used for Christ by Major Book of Mormon Authors
- Number of Names for Christ Used Exclusively by Individual Authors
- Ten Essential Features of Book of Mormon Geography
- Geographical Names Listed Alphabetically
- Geographical Names Listed by Scripture Reference
Alma 5
Baker, LeGrand L., and Stephen D. Ricks. “Alma 5: The Song of Redeeming Love.” In Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?: The Psalms in Israel’s Temple Worship in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon, 520–537. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2011.
Rees, Robert A. “Alma the Younger's Seminal Sermon at Zarahemla.” In Bountiful Harvest: Essays in Honor of S. Kent Brown. Edited by Andrew C. Skinner, D. Morgan Davis, and Carl Griffin. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2011.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “50 Questions of Alma 5: Overview.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 61.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 1–17.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 62.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 18–29.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 63.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 30–40.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 64.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 41–50.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 65.
Alma 5:9
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Did Alma Add “Chains of Hell” to Abinadi’s Phrase “Bands of Death”? (Alma 5:9).” KnoWhy 111 (May 31, 2016).
Alma 5:14–15
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Did Alma Ask Church Members Fifty Probing Questions? (Alma 5:14–15).” KnoWhy 112 (June 1, 2016).
Alma 5:19
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Did Alma Ask about Having God’s Image Engraven upon One’s Countenance? (Alma 5:19).” KnoWhy 295 (April 3, 2017).
Caldwell, C. Max. “’A Mighty Change.’” In The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 27–46. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
Alma 5:33–34
Calabro, David. “’Stretch Forth Thy Hand and Prophesy’: Hand Gestures in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 21, no. 1 (2012): 46–59.
Welch, John W., and Greg Welch. “Three Trees in the Book of Mormon.” In Charting the Book of Mormon: Visual Aids for Personal Study and Teaching. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1999, chart 95.
Alma 5:40
Parry, Donald W. “Antithetical Parallelism in the Book of Mormon.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 167–169. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: FARMS/Deseret Book, 1992.
Alma 6
Reeve, Jr., Rex C. “Dealing with Opposition to the Church.” In The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 15–25. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992.
Alma 6:4
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Did Alma Need to “Establish the Order of the Church” in Zarahemla Again? (Alma 6:4).” KnoWhy 113 (June 2, 2016).
Alma 7
Alma 7:9
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Do New Testament Words and Phrases Show up in the Book of Mormon? Part 3: Revelations to Nephite Prophets as a Source (Part A) (Alma 7:9).” KnoWhy 529 (August 29, 2019).
Alma 7:10
Book of Mormon Central. “Why does the Book of Mormon refer to the ‘land of Jerusalem’?” Q&A February 1, 2018.
Smith, Robert F. “The Land of Jerusalem: The Place of Jesus’ Birth.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 170–172. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: FARMS/Deseret Book, 1992.
Thomasson, Gordon C. “Revisiting the Land of Jerusalem.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by John W. Welch and Melvin J. Thorne, 139–141. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1999.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Notes and Communications: Knowledge of Christ to Come.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5, no. 1 (1996): 159–161.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Notes and Communications: Cities and Lands in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4, no. 2 (1995): 147–150.
Bokovoy, David E., and John A. Tvedtnes. “Cities and Lands in the Book of Mormon.” In Testaments: Links between the Book of Mormon and the Hebrew Bible, 184–188. Toelle, UT: Heritage Press, 2003.
Ogden, Kelly D. “I Have a Question: Why does the Book of Mormon say that Jesus would be born in Jerusalem?” Ensign August 1984.
Alma 7:11–13
Book of Mormon Central. “What Did Alma Reveal about the Savior’s Mission? (Alma 7:11–13).” KnoWhy 323 (June 7, 2017).
Rappleye, Neal. “Nephite History in Context 2: Special Issue.” Studio et Quoque Fide (December 2017).
Wayment, Thomas A. “The Hebrew Text of Alma 7:11.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 14, no. 1 (2005): 98–103, 130.
Alma 7:19
Book of Mormon Central. “Why Does Alma Mention Three Kinds of Paths in One Verse? (Alma 7:19).” KnoWhy 114 (June 3, 2016).
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “Straightening Things Out: The Use of Strait and Straight in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 2 (2003): 58–71, 114–117.
Welch, John S. “Straight (not Strait) and Narrow.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 16, no. 1 (2007): 18–25, 83-84.