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Prophets Show Us the Way to Happiness and Eternal Life

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testifies that prophets both ancient and modern have shown how our loving Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, provide plain and precious truths to guide, direct, and assist us. "I’m a special witness of Jesus Christ," he says. "I know He lives and loves us. He is our Savior and Redeemer."  Elder Stevenson has a facebook page at

Australian editorial contrasts Muslims and Mormons

An elder from the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormons, wrote in The Age a response to what he saw as the mockery, misinformation, crudity and blasphemy that is part of the comedy musical Book of Mormon, which recently opened in Melbourne.  Elder Robert Dudfield welcomed the show, because even though it was, to his mind, utterly wrong, it opened an interest in his faith and an opportunity to discuss it. The Mormon approach is mature and sophisticated.  Elder Dudfield disagreed with almost all of that which makes up Book of Mormon

Paul Cardall's Book Of Mormon Stories now on You Tube

 In addition to his Book of Mormon Stories, Paul Cardall has written a new hymn “One by One” co-written with Elder David A.Bednar, “Where There’s Love” featuring tenor Nathan Pacheco, “Son of God” featuring Patrice Artkins, a choral version of “Redeemer” and many more. Book of Mormon Stories is avalable for download at:



How biblical sacrifices connect to today's sacrament

In the ancient Old Testament and Book of Mormon people were closer to the process of meat production and consumption. People typically lived with the animals they would eventually eat. Killing animals was a ritualized, sacred activity to be shared in a community and culminating in a feast attended by family, priests and God. Although we are no longer required to make animal sacrifices, the meaning is retained today. The weekly sacred meal that we call the sacrament represents the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ.

BYU law professor, John W. 'Jack' Welch, honored by the University of Southern Caliornia’s Office of Religious Life and the John A. Widtsoe Foundation

The Distinguished Scholar in Residence honor recognizes Brother Welch’s prolific scholarship spanning 40 years in law, classical languages, biblical and scriptural commentary, and his contributions to Mormon studies and Mormon history. While at USC and the foundation, Brother Welch will be a guest lecturer in the classroom, participate in interfaith conversations with campus-based religious leaders, engage in research and writing, direct foundation initiatives and be a featured speaker at LDS devotionals and community gatherings in Southern California.

Opening the Heavens: Accounts of Divine Manifestations, 1820–1844 (Second Edition) Editor John W. Welch

Opening the Heavens gathers in one place the key historical collections documenting divine manifestations from 1820 to 1844. Gathered here are the historical documents concerning the First Vision, the translation of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the priesthood, the many visions of Joseph Smith, the outpouring of keys at the Kirtland Temple, and the mantle of Joseph Smith passing to Brigham Young. Each collection of documents is preceded by a chapter explaining the event.