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How Joseph Smith’s Grammar Differed from Book of Mormon Grammar
Linguistic analysis of Joseph Smith's1832 History shows that his language differed substantially from Book of Mormon usage in several important respects. This provides support for the view that English words were actually transmitted in some way to Joseph in 1829, words that he then dictated to scribes.
Why Is It Good to Seek Both Spiritual and Secular Learning?
Book of Mormon Central Blog
What Did Alma Reveal about the Savior’s Mission?
Why You Should Care About the Nephite Weights and Measures System
How Does the Book of Mormon Help Explain the Origins of the Word of Wisdom?
Why Did the Nephites Practice Baptism?
Apostate Religion in the Book of Mormon
This article explores the nature of Zoramite and Nehorite beliefs, identifies how their beliefs and practices differed from orthodox ...Nephite teaching, and suggests that some of these religious differences .... (are identifiable) in the present..
Manchester Mayhem and The Book of Mormon
In Alma 14 in The Book of Mormon is the story of Alma and Amulek, The people they were preaching to were so wicked that they took the women and children.... who believed their words and cast them into a huge fire to be burned. Then, these evil men “took Alma and Amulek, and carried them forth to the place of martyrdom, that they might witness the destruction of those who were consumed by fire” Amulek said unto Alma: "How can we witness this awful scene?