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Refugee Solution Found in Book of Mormon

The question of how to deal with refugees is a hot-button issue today. Many politicians and world leaders have disparate positions on this subject. The Book of Mormon provides two enlightened responses in Nephite society to refugee crises in their day.  

The first occurs when Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah desire to go and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to their enemies.  Many Nephites  “.... laughed us to scorn,”  They said: "Let us take up arms against them that we destroy them and their iniquity out of the land, lest they overrun us and destroy us” (preemptive warfare, see Alma 26:23-25)  The results of their 14 year mission received special attention from Mormon.

The second example is the Nephites' solution to the refugee crisis of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis or Ammonites.  They shared their real estate and protection with these refugees.

President Uchtdorf has previously shared his experiences about being a refugee during World War II in Germany. He was at one time in his life — as are 60 million people in the world today — a refugee.

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