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New General Authority: Elder Joni L Koch gained testimony through The Book of Mormon

“The   Book of Mormon exists to provide another witness of Jesus Christ. It is one of the main elements in the strength of my testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Church and the Prophet Joseph Smith."

Born March 1962, in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil, to Luiz and Etleca Koch, Elder Koch grew up as one of three children to parents of great faith. Before his birth, his parents made a choice that would affect generations.

“My parents were looking for the truth,” said Elder Koch. “In 1953 they visited all the churches in town but nothing felt right. One day my mother said a final prayer and promised God that if there was a true church, she and her family would follow it.” Within a few hours, the missionaries knocked on the door. Less than six months later, the Kochs were baptized.

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